Artist: Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Lyrics of Artist: Mary Elizabeth Braddon
  1. [Lyric] That Which the Dying Man Had to Tell (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    Heaven knows whither Mr. Audley's thoughts might have wandered had he not been startled by a sudden movement of the sick man, who raised himself up in his bed, and called to his mother. The old woman woke up with a jerk, and turned sleepily enough to look at her son. "What is it, Luke, deary?" she asked soothingly. "It ain't time for the doctor's...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  2. [Lyric] Robert Audley Gets His Conge (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    The Christmas week was over, and one by one the country visitors dropped away from Audley Court. The fat squire and his wife abandoned the gray, tapestried chamber, and left the black-browed warriors looming from the wall to scowl upon and threaten new guests, or to glare vengefully upon vacancy. The merry girls on the second story packed, or...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  3. [Lyric] Dr. Mosgraves Advice (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    My lady slept. Through that long winter night she slept soundly. Criminals have often so slept their last sleep upon earth; and have been found in the gray morning slumbering peacefully, by the jailer who came to wake them. The game had been played and lost. I do not think that my lady had thrown away a card, or missed the making of a trick which...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  4. [Lyric] Robert Receives a Visitor Whom He Had Scarcely Expected (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    Eleven o'clock struck the next morning, and found Mr. Robert Audley still lounging over the well ordered little breakfast table, with one of his dogs at each side of his arm-chair, regarding him with watchful eyes and opened mouths, awaiting the expected morsel of ham or toast. Robert had a county paper on his knees, and made a feeble effort now...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  5. [Lyric] Hidden Relics (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    The same August sun which had gone down behind the waste of waters glimmered redly upon the broad face of the old clock over that ivy-covered archway which leads into the gardens of Audley Court. A fierce and crimson sunset. The mullioned windows and twinkling lattices are all ablaze with the red glory; the fading light flickers upon the leaves of...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  6. [Lyric] The Headstone at Ventnor (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    Yes, there it was in black and white—"Helen Talboys, aged 22." When George told the governess on board the Argus that if he heard any evil tidings of his wife he should drop down dead, he spoke in perfect good faith; and yet, here were the worst tidings that could come to him, and he sat rigid, white and helpless, staring stupidly at the shocked...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  7. [Lyric] The Hush That Succeeds the Tempest (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    Robert Audley followed his uncle into the vestibule after Sir Michael had spoken those few quiet words which sounded the death-knell of his hope and love. Heaven knows how much the young man had feared the coming of this day. It had come; and though there had been no great outburst of despair, no whirlwind of stormy grief, no loud tempest of...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  8. [Lyric] Hidden in the Grave (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    Upon his return from Wildernsea, Robert Audley found a letter from his Cousin Alicia, awaiting him at his chambers. "Papa is much better," the young lady wrote, "and is very anxious to have you at the Court. For some inexplicable reason, my stepmother has taken it into her head that your presence is extremely desirable, and worries me with her...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  9. [Lyric] On Board the Argus (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    He threw the end of his cigar into the water, and leaning his elbows upon the bulwarks, stared meditatively at the waves. "How wearisome they are," he said; "blue and green, and opal; opal, and blue, and green; all very well in their way, of course, but three months of them are rather too much, especially—" He did not attempt to finish his...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  10. [Lyric] Still Missing (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    The September sunlight sparkled upon the fountain in the Temple Gardens when Robert Audley returned to Figtree Court early the following morning. He found the canaries singing in the pretty little room in which George had slept, but the apartment was in the same prim order in which the laundress had arranged it after the departure of the two young...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  11. [Lyric] The Mark Upon My Ladys Wrist (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    Robert found Sir Michael and Lady Audley in the drawing-room. My lady was sitting on a music-stool before the grand piano, turning over the leaves of some new music. She twirled upon the revolving seat, making a rustling with her silk flounces, as Mr. Robert Audley's name was announced; then, leaving the piano, she made her nephew a pretty, mock...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon
  12. [Lyric] Ghost-Haunted (Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

    No feverish sleeper traveling in a strange dream ever looked out more wonderingly upon a world that seemed unreal than Robert Audley, as he stared absently at the flat swamps and dismal poplars between Villebrumeuse and Brussels. Could it be that he was returning to his uncle's house without the woman who had reigned in it for nearly two years as...Learn More
    miscMary Elizabeth Braddon