Artist: Melodysheep
Lyrics of Artist: Melodysheep
  1. [Lyric] Children of Africa: The Story of Us (Melodysheep)

    [Jacob Bronowski] Man is a singular creature; He has a set of gifts which make him unique among the animals So that unlike them, he is not a figure in the landscape He is the shaper of the landscape [Alice Roberts] We are all children of Africa They say this is where it all began [Bronowski] In a parched African landscape Man first put his foot...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Monsters of the Cosmos (Melodysheep)

    There are monsters out in the cosmos That can swallow entire stars Inside these equations, there's a monster Anything that strays too close will be pulled in Gravity is infinite at the center of black hole Time stops - space makes no sense Every galaxy has got one big black hole in the middle And millions of smaller black holes An anomaly of...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] Waves of Light (Melodysheep)

    Why are we here? Where do we come from? These are the most enduring of questions. It’s a story we wouldn’t be able to tell without the one thing that connects us vividly to our vast cosmos: Light. Through light we can stare back across the entire history of the universe, and discover how it all began. Those ancient beams of light are messengers...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] The Unbroken Thread (Melodysheep)

    [David Attenborough] All life is related And it enables us to construct with confidence The complex tree that represents the history of life Our planet, the Earth, is as far as we know Unique in the universe; it contains life Here plants and animals proliferate in such numbers That we still have not even named all the different species Darwin's...Learn More
  5. [Lyric] The Cosmic Dance Mindwalk Remix (Melodysheep)

    [Sonia Hoffman (character)] A particle is essentially a set of relations That reach outward to connect with other things The essential nature of matter Lies not in objects, but in interconnections Like chords of music, it's beautiful There is a continual exchange of matter and energy Between my hand and this wood Between the wood and the air And...Learn More
  6. [Lyric] Beyond the Horizon (Melodysheep)

    Bill Nye: We are at a time in history where we can change the world What do we want to pass on to future generations? That we just stayed here on Earth, that we didn’t look out to find out where we come from and are we alone? No! We want to pass on this joy. This excitement. Neil deGrasse Tyson: When a nation dreams big, everything falls into...Learn More
  7. [Lyric] The Case for Mars (Melodysheep)

    [Robert Zubrin] Mars is the next logical step In our space program It's the challenge that's been staring us in the face For the past 30 years It has water, it has carbon, It has a 24 hour day It has geothermal energy Mars is a place we can settle [Carl Sagan] There is a giant rift in its surface 5,000 kilometers long There is a volcano as wide...Learn More
  8. [Lyric] The World of the Dinosaurs (Melodysheep)

    [Dr. Alice Roberts] How can we start to come close to animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago? Dinosaurs [Jack Horner] Dinosaurs [Bill Nye] Dinosaurs Di-Di-Dinosaurs [Dallas Campbell] Dinosaurs weren't just giant lizards But a truly unique kind of reptile [Narrator 1] Dinosaurs roamed For more than 150 million years Dinosaurs...Learn More
  9. [Lyric] The Poetry of Reality (Melodysheep)

    [Michael Shermer] Science is the best tool ever devised For understanding how the world works [Jacob Bronowski] Science is a very human form of knowledge We are always at the brink of the known [Carl Sagan] Science is a collaborative enterprise Spanning the generations We remember those who prepared the way Seeing for them also [Neil deGrasse...Learn More
  10. [Lyric] Ode to the Brain (Melodysheep)

    [Robert Winston] It's amazing to consider that I'm holding in my hands The place where someone once felt, thought, and loved For centuries, scientists have been battling to understand What this unappealing object is all about [Vilayanur Ramachandran] Here is this mass of jelly You can hold in the palm of your hands And it can contemplate the...Learn More
  11. [Lyric] Onward to the Edge (Melodysheep)

    [Neil deGrasse Tyson] The act of moving onward means we pass these sign posts One of them was first leaving earth The next one is hanging out on the moon What's next? The planets Onward to the edge We're moving onward to the edge Here we are together This fragile little world [Brian Cox] This is our sun Just another star in a sea of stars The...Learn More