Artist: Members Mostly
Lyrics of Artist: Members Mostly
  1. [Lyric] 91 (Members Mostly)

    My friends and I Yeah, we're starting a band Planned it out in the back of my mom's van Listening to SubPop in '91 We're not like you, the stuff you like is dumb When we're in a band All our jokes will land We'll have girlfriends and Everything will be okay Back home Mom's working late again Called up Dan And talked about our mixtape 120 Minutes...Learn More
    rockMembers Mostly
  2. [Lyric] Members 2032: A Message From the Label (Members Mostly)

    I've got a message from the label For Jerry and Dan: "You’ve got a number one hit And you'd better not quit!" Now these record execs Are breathing down our necks And while the kids are gettin' down We’re working on our sound Got to write an other riff Track another lick Mix another mix For this Members Mostly hit Mic another kick Fix another...Learn More
    rockMembers Mostly
  3. [Lyric] Happy To Be With My Baby (Members Mostly)

    Boys: We had a good run We played London, Tokyo Columbus, and Oakland But now it's time to move on It’s time for the good life And now, now that I'm free To be with my baby I miss everything Always thought I would be happy - But the grass is green All of the time on the other side So long, so long, so long - Gave up half of my dreams So I can be...Learn More
    rockMembers Mostly
  4. [Lyric] The Crystal Cup (Members Mostly)

    56 cities in 46 days Dreams are coming true And we’re even getting paid Making new friends But we're always parting ways Future's so bright that we've gotta wear shades We met John Peel in 2003 Doing a live set on the BBC Opened up for Mogwai on the tour overseas And talked to Thurston Moore at the after party 4AD is calling - Let’s quit our day...Learn More
    rockMembers Mostly