Artist: Mhonga Z
Lyrics of Artist: Mhonga Z
  1. [Lyric] Shidded beginnings (Mhonga Z)

    Oo-ooh Alright! I took a shid I took a shid I took a shid I took a shid I took a shid Thats what I'm talking about Thats what I'm talking about Oh yeah, thats what i'm talking about, another thing in the house Ohhhh(?) Yeah, I took a shid Yeah I took a shid Ooh yeah yeah I took a shid I took a shid I took a shid I took a shid, (cuz I felt...Learn More
    rbMhonga Z
  2. [Lyric] Cuz I felt like it (Mhonga Z)

    (get up x10) (?) (ooh) (get up x10) (?) Yeah That's what I'm talking about Everybody know that in this house yeah Everybody in the house yeah Man, that's pretty good man Alright Am I am, (?) I take a shid Imma take a shid on the floor Imma take a shid here Imma take a shid there Oh yeah I took a shid Oh yeah I took a shid Megalovania's got...Learn More
    popMhonga Z
  3. [Lyric] {p}{o}{o}{p} - {F}{A}{R}{T} (Mhonga Z)

    (Oh oh- Oh oh oh) Poop fart- poop poop fart Poop fart- poop poop fart Poop fart- poop poop poop fart Poop fart- poop poop fart Poop fart- poop poop fart Poop fart Poop fart, (poop fart) Poop fart, (poop fart) Poop fart, (poop fart) Poop fart, (poop fart) Poop fart, (poop fart) Poop fart, (poop fart) Poop fart, (poop fart) Poop fart, poop poop...Learn More
    popMhonga Z