Artist: Mit MJ Rips
Lyrics of Artist: Mit MJ Rips
Lyrics of Artist: Mit MJ Rips
[Lyric] First Rap Name (Mit MJ Rips)
Came out of the womb as Tim Name doubt in doom as Dim The dark character I grew The mark of a fighter too D or T I am See or be one grand Came out of the womb as Tim Name doubt in doom as Dim The dark character I grew The mark of a fighter too D or T I am See or be one grand I boast like a wedding toast I ghost women like a host I got the venom...Learn MorerapMit MJ Rips[Lyric] Open Mic Night With Mit (Mit MJ Rips)
So you guys liked Poison But now I give you the antidote Walk into the Light is ground zero Stalk into the night with sound hero Behind the Facade was part two The mind of a God my heart drew Until it all was crystal Too ill I call it pistol Taking one shot like it’s diamond Breaking fun lot like I’m rhyming Complete Honesty is the motto The beat...Learn MorerapMit MJ Rips[Lyric] Old Records (Mit MJ Rips)
Old records keep on spinning Where I finally jumped through Where the evil one does not rule So for my freedom wish I just sit and reminisce I feed the right wolf I feed the right wolf I feed the right wolf I feed the right wolf As I feed the right wolf As I feed the right wolf Starve the wrong wolf Turn Darkness into light Weeks later I would...Learn MorerapMit MJ Rips