Artist: Moore Kismet
Lyrics of Artist: Moore Kismet
  1. [Lyric] Ultraviolet (Moore Kismet)

    [Chorus: Chuck Sutton] Frequencies are meant to be UV, UV Ultraviolet, tryna see through me, through me I'm there when you don't see I care when you don't seem To care when you don't seem to Frequencies are meant to be UV, UV Ultraviolet, tryna see through me, through me I'm there when you don't see I care when you don't seem To care when you don't...Learn More
    popMoore Kismet
  2. [Lyric] Escape VIP (Moore Kismet)

    [Intro: Moore Kismet] A VIP otherwise known as a variation in production Is an updated a remade version of the original song No one really gives a shit about it Probably hate it so let's just get into the song [Build] [Pre-Drop] There is no escape [Drop] [Pre-Drop] Switch [Drop] [Instrumental Bridge] [Chorus] There is no escape There is no...Learn More
    popMoore Kismet