Artist: Mouad Falcon
Lyrics of Artist: Mouad Falcon
  1. [Lyric] Informer (Mouad Falcon)

    Pre-Hook Even your parents wanna know The way i'm living wit u Tell them I'm sitting wit u, (like, Hmm) Even your parents wanna know The way how i'm living You know tell 'em i'm just sitting, (like, Hmm) Hook (alright), Cops selling drugs, Making crimes Friends selling bloods, Making hives Girls selling dreams, Making goals, (Hmm, Hmm) (it's...Learn More
    rapMouad Falcon
  2. [Lyric] Quick Sell (Mouad Falcon)

    Verse 1 That's in my dream, I wanna sign, to call my goals That's in my home, I wanna flex to per my goals Is that you need, selling bodies to sell your soul It’s say or sow, selling it for that big ghost I didn't wrote a verse without put it in the music I didn't said rhymes without tell it in the music I didn't even told them no money left from...Learn More
    rapMouad Falcon