Artist: Nathanael West
Lyrics of Artist: Nathanael West
  1. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts has a religious experience (Nathanael West)

    After a long night and morning, towards noon, Miss Lonelyhearts welcomed the arrival of fever. It promised heat and mentally unmotivated violence. The promise was soon fulfilled; the rock became a furnace. He fastened his eyes on the Christ that hung on the wall opposite his bed. As he stared at it, it became a bright fly, spinning with quick...Learn More
    miscNathanael West
  2. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts pays a visit (Nathanael West)

    They left the speakeasy together, both very drunk and very busy: Doyle with the wrongs he had suffered and Miss Lonelyhearts with the triumphant thing that his humility had become. They took a cab. As they entered the street in which Doyle lived, he began to curse his wife and his crippled foot. He called on Christ to blast them both. Miss...Learn More
    miscNathanael West
  3. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts in the country (Nathanael West)

    Betty came to see Miss Lonelyhearts the next day and every day thereafter. With her she brought soup and boiled chicken for him to eat. He knew that she believed he did not want to get well, yet he followed her instructions because he realized that his present sickness was unimportant. It was merely a trick by his body to relieve onе more...Learn More
    miscNathanael West
  4. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts returns (Nathanael West)

    Several days later, they started to drive back to the city. When they reached the Bronx slums, Miss Lonelyhearts knew that Betty had failed to cure him and that he had been right when he had said that he could never forget the letters. He felt better, knowing this, because he had begun to think himself a faker and a fool. Crowds of people moved...Learn More
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  5. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts and the clean old man (Nathanael West)

    In the street again, Miss Lonelyhearts wondered what to do next. He was too excited to eat and afraid to go home. He felt as though his heart were a bomb, a complicated bomb that would result in a simple explosion, wrecking the world without rocking it. He decided to go to Delehanty’s for a drink. In the speakeasy, he discovered a group of his...Learn More
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  6. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts help me help me (Nathanael West)

    The Miss Lonelyhearts of The New York Post-Dispatch (Are-you-in-trouble?—Do-you-need-advice?—Write-to-Miss-Lonelyhearts-and-she-will-help-you) sat at his desk and stared at a piece of white cardboard. On it a prayer had been printed by Shrike, the feature editor. “Soul of Miss L, glorify me. Body of Miss L, nourish me. Blood of Miss L, intoxicate...Learn More
    miscNathanael West
  7. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts and the cripple (Nathanael West)

    Miss Lonelyhearts dodged Betty because she made him feel ridiculous. He was still trying to cling to his humility, and the farther he got below self-laughter, the easier it was for him to practice it. When Betty telephoned, he refused to answer and after he had twice failed to call her back, she left him alone. One day, about a week after he had...Learn More
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  8. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts and the fat thumb (Nathanael West)

    Miss Lonelyhearts found himself developing an almost insane sensitiveness to order. Everything had to form a pattern: the shoes under the bed, the ties in the holder, the pencils on the table. When he looked out of a window, he composed the skyline by balancing one building against another. If a bird flew across this arrangement, he closed his eyes...Learn More
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  9. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts and Mrs. Shrike (Nathanael West)

    Miss Lonelyhearts lay on his bed fully dressed, just as he had been dumped the night before. His head ached and his thoughts revolved inside the pain like a wheel within a wheel. When he opened his eyes, the room, like a third wheel, revolved around the pain in his head. From where he lay he could see the alarm clock. It was half past three. When...Learn More
    miscNathanael West
  10. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts on a field trip (Nathanael West)

    It was cold and damp in the city room the next day, and Miss Lonelyhearts sat at his desk with his hands in his pockets and his legs pressed together. A desert, he was thinking, not of sand, but of rust and body dirt, surrounded by a back-yard fence on which are posters describing the events of the day. Mother slays five with ax, slays seven, slays...Learn More
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  11. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts and the lamb (Nathanael West)

    Miss Lonelyhearts went home in a taxi. He lived by himself in a room that was as full of shadows as an old steel engraving. It held a bed, a table and two chairs. The walls were bare except for an ivory Christ that hung opposite the foot of the bed. He had removed the figure from the cross to which it had been fastened and had nailed it to the wall...Learn More
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  12. [Lyric] Miss Lonelyhearts in the dismal swamp (Nathanael West)

    Soon after Mrs. Doyle left, Miss Lonelyhearts became physically sick and was unable to leave his room. The first two days of his illness were blotted out by sleep, but on the third day, his imagination began again to work. He found himself in the window of a pawnshop full of fur coats, diamond rings, watches, shotguns, fishing tackle, mandolins....Learn More
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