Artist: Nida Siddiqui
Lyrics of Artist: Nida Siddiqui
  1. [Lyric] Butterflies (Nida Siddiqui)

    Butterflies in my tummy Each time you cross my mind What a spell you’ve cast I feel home at last hmm Won’t you come a little closer dear? La-la-linger in my thoughts Your eyes, that beautiful smile Help me oh baby I feel lost So lost How can I explain? When they ask me I’m clueless So clueless No I can’t even say your name Without losin’ my...Learn More
    popNida Siddiqui
  2. [Lyric] Oh my/ overdrive (Nida Siddiqui)

    I was walking down the street And I saw u look at me Oh my What a pleasant funny day I’ll be having once again Thanks to the dopamine I slip back to 16 U were something to me Way more than a we used to be Fireworks and magic It was automatic Thanks for the memories Oh why oh why did I let u go Well I know there was a reason But now I’m unsure...Learn More
    popNida Siddiqui