Artist: Noam Chomsky
Lyrics of Artist: Noam Chomsky
  1. [Lyric] The Great Charter: Its Fate Our Fate (Noam Chomsky)

    [Noam Chomsky] As you all know, the U. of St Andrews was founded right about at the time of the 200th anniversary of one of the great events in the establishment of civil and human rights, the issuance of Magna Carta. Looking down the road only a few generations ahead, the millennium of Magna Carta will arrive. Whether it will be celebrated, or...Learn More
    miscNoam Chomsky
  2. [Lyric] Israel and Palestine After Disengagement (Noam Chomsky)

    Kennedy School of Government, November 29, 2005 TIM HUONG: Good evening. My name is Tim Huong and on behalf of the Harvard Speech and Parliamentary Debate Society I'd like to welcome you all tonight to "Israel and Palestine after Disengagement: Where Do We Go From Here?" While we as an undergraduate group are usually involved with competitions...Learn More
    miscNoam Chomsky
  3. [Lyric] Just War Theory (Noam Chomsky)

    Noam Chomsky Transcription courtesy of Mariko Sakurai, corrected and improved by Scott Senn. (Please note: this is a volunteer transcript of an original audio or video source. It has not been verified by or Noam Chomsky for accuracy. It is recommended that the original source be employed when possible for purposes of...Learn More
    miscNoam Chomsky
  4. [Lyric] Who Owns the World? (Noam Chomsky)

    [Noam Chomsky] When I was thinking about these remarks, I had two topics in mind, couldn't decide between them -- actually pretty obvious ones. One topic is, what are the most important issues that we face? The second topic is, what issues are not being treated seriously -- or at all -- in the quadrennial frenzy now underway called an election? But...Learn More
    miscNoam Chomsky
  5. [Lyric] Interview on Middle East July 2013 (Noam Chomsky)

    What is your view of Hezbollah’s undisguised involvement on the frontlines in Syria, in support of regime forces? You have made statements indicating that you can understand their intervention. There’s a difference between understanding the reasons for intervening and excusing it. To be clear: nothing can justify Hezbollah’s involvement. If you...Learn More
    miscNoam Chomsky
  6. [Lyric] The State-Corporate Complex: A Threat to Freedom and Survival (Noam Chomsky)

    [Noam Chomsky] I'm going to talk mostly about the United States, in part because I know it better, but also in part because it its unique significance in the global system. That's been true dramatically since the Second World War. The character and extent of this uniqueness often isn't understood and would be easily worth a talk in itself, but I...Learn More
    miscNoam Chomsky
  7. [Lyric] Drug Cartels and the Growing Border War (Noam Chomsky)

    Noam Chomsky interviewed by Luis Fernando Cárdenas Guernica: Journalists in Mexico live in constant danger. A photojournalist from the newspaper El Diario was recently murdered in Juárez. The newspaper responded by printing an op-ed piece addressed to the cartels titled, "What do you want from us?" Can you speculate who is responsible for these...Learn More
    miscNoam Chomsky