Artist: Nstrond
Lyrics of Artist: Nstrond
  1. [Lyric] Svarta stränder Digerdöden (Nstrond)

    Skepp med slitna segel Närmar sig kusten Likt mörka skuggor reser sig Dödsbringare Jag kallar er Skratten tystnar Fruktan reser sig i städer och byar När de svarta bölderna Sliter under huden Hatet sprider sig Livet är inte längre vackert Mot stränderna När solen sjunker Ingen flykt Ingen framtid Smärta, lidane Vada över detta land Med blodtäckt...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Defiance of the Transient (Nstrond)

    Before what has been In defiance of the transient The night of immolation Of worlds with storming blaze We stand now as conquerors Before the lower elements of the Earth That which is called man Who have been cursed and degenerated There can be no pity For what is fallen beyond the animals Who have hidden among the mud Dwells by its own...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] Mouth of the Sea (Nstrond)

    She opened her mouth to devour He drove in the tempest Lest she close her lips The fierce winds filled her belly Her insides ditended She opened wide her mouth He let fly an arrow It split her belly Cut through her innards Gashed the heart He held her fast Extinguished her lifе...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] Die Sense die die schwarze Herbstzeitlose mäht (Nstrond)

    Gräber und Särge gefüllt mit der Krume der Fäulnis Dort, wo die Ernte des schwarzen Todes ruht Der Triumph der Verwüstung, die Plage (Die Pest) Die Leichen der einst lebenden füttern nun die Ratten Jene Ratten, die die Kinder meiner unsichtbaren Schatten sind Meine Werkzeuge, um meine Plage zu verbreiten, meinen Hass Ich bin ein Teil der kalten...Learn More
  5. [Lyric] Nåstrond (Nstrond)

    I nord Invid Jotunheim Ner mot Hel Nidafjäll jag ser Intill nidavall Stor och mäktigt står den salen med portarna åt norr Stor och ond sal Pelare av flätade ormar Huvuden spyr gift i floder där de vandra De som utan ära är De som har förbannats Vid Nåstrond, ormen sliter sönder Kroppar i stycken Himlen färgas röd Sot, svart, blod Inget liv, ingen...Learn More
  6. [Lyric] Dark Fyres (Nstrond)

    Within the darkness There is an even darker force Which draws and lives within existence In a causal plane I witness how it dwells through it Dark gods dwell in me As physical My ancestral blood the dark gods remember How to be withing the living flesh Like dogs chasing The hunt within my veins Ever present They draw me into the black sun Which...Learn More
  7. [Lyric] Calling the Serpentine (Nstrond)

    One slays the other His heart is torn out Blood is drunk in frenzy His own grave is dug By hands in dirt A skull becomes a cup To drink the blood of the dead He calls the serpentine Before the earth Within the depth Something is moaning The surface trembles The speech is not of sanity No comprehension is right...Learn More
  8. [Lyric] Ascending Blaze (Nstrond)

    The sound of your harps Maggots are the bed beneath Worms are your covering Fallen from the heavens Shining one, morningstar Ascend to the sky Above the stars Sit on a throne high On the mount of assembly On the recesses in far north You are brought down To the depth of the pit Arise!...Learn More