Artist: Oh Sees
Lyrics of Artist: Oh Sees
  1. [Lyric] Fake Song (Oh Sees)

    (Verse 1) I've been waiting by the garden Hoping for your call Answer, don't ask lightly I hope I wasn't wrong I said ah yeah, ah yeah, ah yeah (Verse 2) Wait wait wait wait for for for my hands in the air I'll catch catch catch you falling "lingling" as as as as you swoop near I said ah yeah, ah yeah...Learn More
    rockOh Sees
  2. [Lyric] Memory of a Cut Off Head (Oh Sees)

    Oh, what a day, I lost my body A feast for beast and all mankind I am prescription filled for your mind And the tyrants had their party While the people fell to pieces World cries out Oh, can't you see us? But they've clearly lost their mind They will come to live again, again (In a soldier's mind, a washed up body) So where is God? He has no...Learn More
    rockOh Sees
  3. [Lyric] Bloody Water (Oh Sees)

    (Verse 1) See through, baby blue Bye, bye, go Do you see bloody water, no I don't Do you feel it getting colder, no I don't (Verse 2) What's new, chasing you Run and hide at home Can you feel us getting closer through the smoke? Do you hear me deep inside you, in my throat? (Verse 1) Rrrr...Learn More
    rockOh Sees
  4. [Lyric] Thee Hounds of Foggy Notion (Oh Sees)

    Hairdos find their way upstairs again Hiding after real town barkings Hats down hide the hounds of foggy notion And I swear that their kegs float again That makes cap and shake them from their show So I know that we have track tonight Never before eyes so beautiful And I sat myself down next to them...Learn More
    rockOh Sees