Artist: Oliver Goldsmith
Lyrics of Artist: Oliver Goldsmith
  1. [Lyric] A reformation in the gaol. To make laws complete they should reward as well as punish (Oliver Goldsmith)

    The next morning early I was awakened by my family, whom I found in tears at my bed-side. The gloomy strength of every thing about us, it seems, had daunted them. I gently rebuked their sorrow, assuring them I had never slept with greater tranquility, and next enquired after my eldest daughter, who was not among them. They informed me that...Learn More
    miscOliver Goldsmith
  2. [Lyric] The same subject continued (Oliver Goldsmith)

    The next morning I communicated to my wife and children the scheme I had planned of reforming the prisoners, which they received with universal disapprobation, alledging the impossibility and impropriety of it; adding, that my endeavours would no way contribute to their amendment, but might probably disgrace my calling. ‘Excuse me,’ returned I,...Learn More
    miscOliver Goldsmith
  3. [Lyric] Former benevolence now repaid with unexpected interest (Oliver Goldsmith)

    Mr Thornhill made his entrance with a smile, which he seldom wanted, and was going to embrace his uncle, which the other repulsed with an air of disdain. ‘No fawning, Sir, at present,’ cried the Baronet, with a look of severity, ‘the only way to my heart is by the road of honour; but here I only see complicated instances of falsehood, cowardice,...Learn More
    miscOliver Goldsmith
  4. [Lyric] The Conclusion (Oliver Goldsmith)

    The next morning as soon as I awaked I found my eldest son sitting by my bedside, who came to encrease my joy with another turn of fortune in my favour. First having released me from the settlement that I had made the day before in his favour, he let me know that my merchant who had failed in town was arrested at Antwerp, and there had given up...Learn More
    miscOliver Goldsmith
  5. [Lyric] Happiness and misery rather the result of prudence than of virtue in this life. Temporal evils or (Oliver Goldsmith)

    I had now been confined more than a fortnight, but had not since my arrival been visited by my dear Olivia, and I greatly longed to see her. Having communicated my wishes to my wife, the next morning the poor girl entered my apartment, leaning on her sister’s arm. The change which I saw in her countenance struck me. The numberless graces that once...Learn More
    miscOliver Goldsmith
  6. [Lyric] No situation however wretched it seems but has some sort of comfort attending it (Oliver Goldsmith)

    We set forward from this peaceful neighbourhood, and walked on slowly. My eldest daughter being enfeebled by a slow fever, which had begun for some days to undermine her constitution, one of the officers, who had an horse, kindly took her behind him; for even these men cannot entirely divest themselves of humanity. My son led one of the little ones...Learn More
    miscOliver Goldsmith
  7. [Lyric] The equal dealings of providence demonstrated with regard to the happy and the miserable here below. (Oliver Goldsmith)

    My friends, my children, and fellow sufferers, when I reflect on the distribution of good and evil here below, I find that much has been given man to enjoy, yet still more to suffer. Though we should examine the whole world, we shall not find one man so happy as to have nothing left to wish for; but we daily see thousands who by suicide shew us...Learn More
    miscOliver Goldsmith
  8. [Lyric] Happier prospects begin to appear. Let us be inflexible and fortune will at last change in our (Oliver Goldsmith)

    When I had thus finished and my audience was retired, the gaoler, who was one of the most humane of his profession, hoped I would not be displeased, as what he did was but his duty, observing that he must be obliged to remove my son into a stronger cell, but that he should be permitted to revisit me every morning. I thanked him for his clemency,...Learn More
    miscOliver Goldsmith
  9. [Lyric] Fresh calamities (Oliver Goldsmith)

    The next morning the sun rose with peculiar warmth for the season; so that we agreed to breakfast together on the honeysuckle bank: where, while we sate, my youngest daughter, at my request, joined her voice to the concert on the trees about us. It was in this place my poor Olivia first met her seducer, and every object served to recall her...Learn More
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