Artist: Orator
Lyrics of Artist: Orator
Lyrics of Artist: Orator
[Lyric] Emperor Disposable Youth (Orator)
Let us begin We reconvene/ To reinforce this process of oppression/ Of greed and power through reckless ambition/ The scales imbalanced in our favor/ And on their backs chained the labor/ Of ravaging the world for the extent of its worth/ Our influence is greatest/ On the youngest/ To ingrain our will on minds still malleable is how we’ll...Learn MorerockOrator[Lyric] Mentor An Assertation of Dominion (Orator)
You who’ve been gifted life in the interest of fulfillment/ You whose sole purpose is to achieve success/ Only through scrutiny can it be assured that you/ Waste not the investment you represent/ The nail that protrudes the furthest is hammered the hardest/ One day you’ll be grateful you were protected from yourself/ You a breathing reminder of...Learn MorerockOrator[Lyric] Follower Those Born for Far Greater Things (Orator)
Can it possibly reward one to pursue prosperity if the result is to enslave the best of themselves to the worst? To enslave oneself to impulse whim and desire as excessive pleasure corrodes one's self control? As the love of indulgence and self discipline cannot exist, self control would be called cowardice Does it not stand to reason that the...Learn MorerockOrator