Artist: Outlinez
Lyrics of Artist: Outlinez
Lyrics of Artist: Outlinez
[Lyric] Hard life (Outlinez)
Yo listen... its a hard life... Yo its been a hardlife since i was a kid i saw ma elders smoking a bud and smokin a cig when i started all this drug shit i never realised dat i was commiting a sin.. grew up in a ghetto i picked up a "bud" and ma boyz said "yo dont smoke dat just let go" but i smoked it and went home stonned den i saw a lil kid get...Learn MorerapOutlinez[Lyric] Freddo diss (Outlinez)
Yo freddo you little fuck you up instantly you fuckin mouther fucker Yo freddo you better let go you ain't no badman in a ghetto you fucked your own mum coz your mum is so dum Al smash your head and send you to ya bed dats wat i sed . your so gay u bought a x-box and you can't even play "freddo is gay" dats wat i say you fink you got...Learn MorerapOutlinez