Artist: Peter, Paul and Mary
Lyrics of Artist: Peter, Paul and Mary
Lyrics of Artist: Peter, Paul and Mary
[Lyric] Puff The Magic Dragon (Peter, Paul and Mary)
[Intro] Puff, the magic dragon Lived by the sea And frolicked in the autumn mist In a land called Honalee [Verse 1] Little Jackie Paper Loved that rascal Puff And brought him strings and sealing wax And other fancy stuff [Chorus] Oh, Puff, the magic dragon Lived by the sea And frolicked in the autumn mist In a land called Honalee Puff, the magic...Learn MorepopPeter, Paul and Mary[Lyric] Whispered Words (Peter, Paul and Mary)
[Verse 1] Whispered words and promises we made when we were wed Thank you, love, for meaning what you said, what you said Thank you, love, for meaning [Verse 2] Each of us is weak and strong, but some of us are true I am blessed to have a friend in you, in you I am blessed to have [Verse 3] You never know the worth of friends until your time of...Learn MorepopPeter, Paul and Mary