Artist: Phenyo Mabokela
Lyrics of Artist: Phenyo Mabokela
  1. [Lyric] LOL This one’s for you (Phenyo Mabokela)

    For the nights and days, For the season's change, For the faithful wait, This one's for you - take it This cocooning infatuation, This sober hallucination, This honeymoon gaze which can't be staged - take it For the mended heart, For the wiser heart, For the still searching heart, This one's for you - take it This chance at fate, This dance till...Learn More
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  2. [Lyric] LOL Galaxy (Phenyo Mabokela)

    Every time you spell the word galaxy I want you to remember three things The Gala, The Ex, and the big question Why? A galaxy can be de-fined as a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust held together by gravitational attraction. How is it possible that gravity is the only reason they're together in space while we...Learn More
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  3. [Lyric] LOL Diamond Dots (Phenyo Mabokela)

    Take the hints, See the signs, Join the dots, Fall in line. Constellations are stars scattered by choice not design, yet we still try to join them together like dotted lines crossed with all disrespect for their decision to stay apart. I do it too sometimes, drawing the lines between me and every person I've ever liked....Learn More
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  4. [Lyric] LOL Never Catch (Phenyo Mabokela)

    When catching butterflies it is highly advised you search for those that aren't in motion. They are easier to catch. - Unless - they're camouflaged, blending in with the crowd, consciously matching their surrounding. When catching butterflies, it is also advised you sneak up on them but not me... I opened my hands extending the invitation for...Learn More
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  5. [Lyric] LOL Space-Bound (Phenyo Mabokela)

    No one can breath in space. I also heard there's no gravity. Those are the only two reasons any relationship ever needs space. What goes up, must come down but that does not apply to us space-bound lovers searching for a world where love won't fall on our heads like Isaac's apple. What cannot breathe surely won't survive when you ask for...Learn More
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  6. [Lyric] LOL UFO (Phenyo Mabokela)

    Brake pads were designed to give moving vehicles the ability to slow down or completely stop, should the driver feel the need to do so for reasons of personal safety or plain, common sense. There aren't any brakes for UFOs You can take my word for it, I am one of them. An Unidentified Falling Object, Hovering about who knows where falling in...Learn More
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