Artist: Philip Ayres
Lyrics of Artist: Philip Ayres
Lyrics of Artist: Philip Ayres
[Lyric] On the Death of Cynthias Horse (Philip Ayres)
Whate'er the world could boast of fair or good, Thy back with pride has borne, thou happy Horse, By which thou'rt fall'n in middle of thy course, Too feeble to sustain so great a load. Oh happy fall! Oh dying full of bliss! Whilst she that guided Love did guide thy head, Big with this thought, thou willingly art dead, Scorning another burden after...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] On a Fair Beggar (Philip Ayres)
Barefoot and ragged, with neglected hair, She whom the Heavens at once made poor and fair, With humble voice and moving words did stay, To beg an alms of all who pass'd that way. But thousands viewing her became her prize, Willingly yielding to her conquering eyes, And caught by her bright hairs, whilst careless she Makes them pay homage to her...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] A Sonnet out of Italian from Claudjo Achillini (Philip Ayres)
Since, cruel Thyrsis, you my torments slight, And take no notice of my amorous flame, In these vermilion letters thus I write My bloody reasons to confirm the same. These of my passion are the lively marks, Which from my veins you here in blood see writ, Touch them, your breast will kindle with the sparks, The ardent characters are reeking yet. Nor...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] Cupid to Cloe Weeping (Philip Ayres)
See, whilst thou weep'st, fair Chloe, see The world in sympathy with thee. The cheerful birds no longer sing; Each drops his head and hangs his wing: The clouds have bent their bosom lower, And shed their sorrows in a shower; The brooks beyond their limits flow, And louder murmurs speak their woe: The nymphs and swains adopt thy cares: They heave...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] Cynthia on Horseback (Philip Ayres)
Fair Cynthia mounted on her sprightly pad, Which in white robe with silver fringe was clad, And swift as wind his graceful steps did move, As with his beauteous guide he'd been in love. Though fierce, yet humble still to her command, Obeying ev'ry touch of her fair hand; Her golden bit his foaming mouth did check, It spread his crest, and rais'd...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] In Sphaeram Archimedis. Claudian Englished (Philip Ayres)
Jove saw the sphere old Archimedes made, And to the other Gods he laughing said, "Such wondrous skill can crafty mortals get, Of my great work to make the counterfeit? Heav'n's and Earth's constitutions, fixt by Fate, This Syracusan's art does imitate; His various planets their just order have, Keeping by springs the motions which he gave; Thro'...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] Loves Contrariety (Philip Ayres)
I make no war, and yet no peace have found, With heat I melt, when starv'd to death with cold. I soar to Heav'n, while grovelling on the ground, Embrace the world, yet nothing do I hold. I'm not confin'd, yet cannot I depart, Nor loose the chain tho' not a captive led; Love kills me not, yet wounds me to the heart, Will neither have m' alive, nor...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] On the Death of Sylvia (Philip Ayres)
Oh Death! without regard to wrong or right, All things at will thy boundless rage devours; This tender plant thou hast cut down in spight, And scatter'd on the ground its fruit, and flowers. Our love's extinct that with such ardour burn'd, And all my hope of future pleasure dies; Nature's chief master-piece to earth's return'd, Deaf to my passion,...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] Of Love (Philip Ayres)
If Love it be not, what is this I feel? If it be Love, what Love is, fain I'd know? If good, why the effects severe and ill? If bad, why do its torments please me so? If willingly I burn, should I complain? If 'gainst my will, what helps it to lament? Oh living Death! oh most delightful pain! How comes all this, if I do not consent? If I consent,...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] The Resolution: A Sonnet of Petrarch out of Italian (Philip Ayres)
O Time! Oh rolling Heavens, that fly so fast, And cheat us mortals ignorant and blind! Oh fugitive Day, swifter than bird or wind! Your frauds I see, by all my suff'rings past. But pardon me, 'tis I myself must blame, Nature that spreads your wings, and makes you fly, To me gave eyes, that I my ills might spy: Yet I retain'd them to my grief, and...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] On Mans Life (Philip Ayres)
No human thing in constancy will stay; The learned Chian us'd of old to say, Our life was frailer than the fading leaves; Which Man forgets, and scarce its flight perceives He harbours idle fancies in his brain, Many which he from childhood did retain: And whilst his vigour lasts, he's still inclin'd To fill with trifles his unsettled mind; On Age...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres[Lyric] On Signor Pietro Reggio His Setting to Music Several of Mr. Cowleys Poems (Philip Ayres)
If Theban Pindar rais'd his country's fame, Whilst its great deeds he does in odes rehearse, And they made greater by his noble verse In gratitude are trophies to his name: Then English Pindar shall for ever live, Since his divine and lofty poetry Secur'd, great Regglo, by thy harmony, Shall to itself immortal glory give. The world's amaz'd to hear...Learn MoremiscPhilip Ayres