Artist: Pizza Delivery Service
Lyrics of Artist: Pizza Delivery Service
  1. [Lyric] Hhhhhh (Pizza Delivery Service)

    Eating chips and feeling like garbage Where did life go? Where did life go? Bastard bastard call me a mistake I On the way home Lost the way home Disagreements dissection bisectional inspectional multifunctional nonsensical Heel face heel toe turn face heel around standing sitting looking glazed-ass lookin' freakin' Tell what happened to make...Learn More
    popPizza Delivery Service
  2. [Lyric] At the End of the Day (Pizza Delivery Service)

    At the end of the day Where will I be The unwanted has happened And I am stuck with me At the end of the day Where do I go? If I decide to never stand then I'll never know At the end of the day An empty hole remains The world keeps on spinning Struggle with the pain At the end of the day Where do I go? If I decide to never stand then I'll never...Learn More
    popPizza Delivery Service