Artist: Platform 55
Lyrics of Artist: Platform 55
  1. [Lyric] The Spider (Platform 55)

    [Verse 1] First thing in the morning Never comes with the warning Light shining like silver lining Can it stay this bright all day? Blinking my eyes staring at the sun Hope it stays up like for everyone But the moon comes quick and before you know it All the shiny lights ain't even round to show it [Chorus] I saw the spider crawl again Another...Learn More
    popPlatform 55
  2. [Lyric] Did It Matter (Platform 55)

    [Verse 1] We used to talk every night I always said the same things But you always listened I know I forgot About you, but Have you forgotten me too? [Chorus] Did it matter what I said or asked for? And I'll lie in bed and look up at you [Verse 2] This time things look different My face a little older I haven't forgotten you I just forgot to stop...Learn More
    popPlatform 55
  3. [Lyric] Mummify (Platform 55)

    [Verse 1] No matter how many times you hit me I'll stick around, just beaten down Don't even know why we waste it When deep down we know it that there ain't no crown Not enough, hearing the missteps of others I'm stuck in a crowd Trying to find out my own way But man, is that allowed? I promise I'll be sincere but I don't really think this’ll be...Learn More
    rapPlatform 55