Artist: Plumtish
Lyrics of Artist: Plumtish
Lyrics of Artist: Plumtish
[Lyric] Clap Hands (Plumtish)
Hook Clap hands For them x3 They doing well x3 Verse 1 Clap hands For Them Tyson is made Used to think Iam them I turn around She pickin bags One munite next day she gone Up and down The game is dead Just bill the debt Settle the rest In space Plottin a wave Stop making it rain Forfeit your fame Call me distressed Think deep Itz dab Coffea an...Learn MorerapPlumtish[Lyric] Orbiting The World (Plumtish)
Verse 1 Emptyness Never Ends Steve Biko Fairytale Let them People Feel My Pain Got the Stew Yes Cooking Beef Runway Nigga Runway I got Aids doing damage My body Feeling torn Pick the Pieces Sex Ain't Feeling Shit Mom dead Yes 207 Yes You Feeling That Time Wasting I got Business Energy thats My Vision Many seconds pass Iam losing More The devil made...Learn MorerapPlumtish[Lyric] Questions (Plumtish)
Chorus Do you love me x3 The questions I have Could I be mad Did you break ma heart x3 Verse Did you break My Heart Iam scared to love Kiss you twice Before I let you go I have to talk to god I have to go Look what we started The mashrooms wilted Impeach me Talk about infringement My life is gone I pray we win Girl I need you mo I love you mo No...Learn MorerapPlumtish[Lyric] No Windows (Plumtish)
Verse 1 Iv been watchin For a While Toss of coin Its going down No lie We livin in pain No trial No body get jailed Hook No windows In time Both we Know In time When itz right We love Baby we love Verse 2 Drinking while high Then we go all night Like its New Years Eve Better touch your knees Bet sound like Eve Hook (again)...Learn MorerapPlumtish