Artist: PSF
Lyrics of Artist: PSF
Lyrics of Artist: PSF
[Lyric] Nightmare (PSF)
Black Track now red, my bloody nose Awaken, you're in the dark Creepin' around like no one knows Think your the Nightmare Me no care Listen to the beat Me no care Get these hands Get the nightmare You have the nightmare Hahaha I can do lots moves 619 RKO Curtstomp Chokeslam SUPER PUNCH AND SPHERE Me no care Listen to the beat Me no care Get these...Learn MorepopPSF[Lyric] Emotions (PSF)
Everyone has emotions U should always show u emotions I know its tough to show how u feeling U should always tell someone how u feeling Its always fine to let out emotions When Tom steps into the ring hes fearless And if u feeling all down u should tell someone instead of living in fear Tom feels hurt, Charlie feels down Kyle feels happy and...Learn MorepopPSF[Lyric] LaZeR JeT (PSF)
L A Z E R J E T Lazer Jet gonna get 80k subs That's mad hes gonna get to that 1 million in a few years Hes the best youtuber of all time He loves his trains favourite Train is LNER A3 4472 Flying scottsman Laaaaazer Jeeeeet is the best Everyone loves you streeeeeams Laaaaaazer Jeeeet drove the 9F Heeeeesss soooooo funny Lazer Jet is funny got fun...Learn MorerapPSF