Artist: Rachel Dean & David Brush
Lyrics of Artist: Rachel Dean & David Brush
Lyrics of Artist: Rachel Dean & David Brush
[Lyric] Back Then (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
[WOMAN 1] You and I in PJs, whispering all night Planning futures together by a fading flashlight I'd give anything for another day Like the ones we had back then [WOMAN 2, spoken] We were so ridiculous, weren't we? [WOMAN 1, spoken] We weren't jaded yet, that's all (BOTH laugh) [WOMAN 1, sung] Our world was a giant fort of blankets, playing...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] Last Call (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
[MACY] It's bad enough I'm in this mess without dragging people down Both me and vodka on the rocks in a lonely little town No one to hurt if I stay away and avoid the wheel of my Chevrolet Keep the fear at bay for another day The jukebox plays another song Relentless words 'bout done me wrong And the bartender sings along And pours me another...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] So Anyway (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
[WOMAN, spoken] Oh my gosh, how are you? [MAN, spoken] I'm good - wow, how are you? It's been what, six or seven-- [WOMAN] A long time! [MAN] Yeah! [WOMAN] Yeah... (BOTH laugh) [WOMAN, sung] So I didn't know I'd run into you tonight I just came to support a friend She's the redhead over there Yeah So anyway [MAN, sung] You look good Like...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] Home Enough to Me (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
[WOMAN 1] If I ask you would you listen? If I ask you would you stay And share this bag of M&Ms with me? If I whisper that the darkness weighs me down today Would you walk me to a light that I can see? [WOMAN 2] If I ask you would you play me that song that makes us dance And laugh until the tears roll from our eyes? [WOMAN 3] If I tell you that...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] Back Then Reprise (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
[MACY, spoken] What happens next? [AVERY, spoken] Listen, you aren't going to be able to leave right now [MACY, sung] One Mississippi two Mississippi three Mississippi four Mississippi five [AVERY, spoken] I know it's-- [MACY, spoken] No no no, they're gonna take me away, Ave. Listen, we can go home and see Mom, and we'll talk, we got this...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] Something to Leave Behind (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
I've seen the sunsets a thousand nights And watched the waves roll in I've watched the night giving way to lights And oh, the places I have been But the spot where my stars align Is the stage you made was mine You teach me the steps and I dance for you You teach me the notes and I sing You teach me the words and you swear to me That this life of...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] Today and Every Day (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
It's all in my head It's all in my head It's all in my head It's all in my The problem here is all just in my head It's monday morning rain beats down my window The stress begins the second i leave this pillow There's a likely chance this day will trend Toward the ways these days always seem to end Defeat, delete, and a sudden retreat It's a...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] Think About That (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
[AVERY, spoken] So first things first, who am I? I am a 23 year old college student slash happily single female slash superhero fanatic slash friend you call at 3 AM because I will always answer slash dog lover slash cat hater slash all around well-balanced high achiever. I'm a semi-Millennial, hence all the slashes, and I am not defined by just...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] Here on My Own (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
[MAN 2, spoken] Yeah, I got your letters (sung) "I'm sorry," was what it said "I was scared," is what I read Seven letters to end all the things that we shared "I'm sorry," all it said "I was scared," is what I read And that was it, finished, over, done An ending I couldn't repair But the end of us doesn't mean the end of me (spoken) Do you...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] Relying on the Knife (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
[WOMAN] One step at a time Breathing Like the pamphlet tells you to One Mississippi two Mississippi three Mississippi four Mississippi five (spoken) Nothing changed. Try again (sung) One Mississippi two Mississippi three Mississippi four Mississippi Breathing reminds me that I'm not yet dead But I'm searching for proof Proof I'm alive See cuts...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] Shouldve Known Better (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
[WOMAN] I've always loved this kitchen Even though I'm a terrible cook You know I'm a terrible cook But I love being in this room Being with you in this room Please say something Anything? Don't just look at me that way With nothing to say I could say this hurts for me as much as you I could say I know exactly what you're going through I could say...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush[Lyric] Three Days Without Breathing (Rachel Dean & David Brush)
[CHARLIE, spoken] Can you tell me exactly how it feels? In your words [VOICES, spoken] It's all in your mind. Medication will make it worse [WOMAN, spoken] I can try [VOICES, spoken] You're just lazy. Stop wasting his time [WOMAN, sung] You ask me how it feels? And I don't know how to say it You ask about the heaviness I don't know how to weigh...Learn MorepopRachel Dean & David Brush