Artist: Ratsweat
Lyrics of Artist: Ratsweat
  1. [Lyric] Rnsl (Ratsweat)

    It's Ratsweat Reloaded! With DJ Sweat The Rat Count Dracula Steve Jobs The creature from the swamp Knuckleboard Scooby doo The sinners Satan Big Boss Mann Factory Worker 31175 Popeye A snake Professer Wizard A guillotine The lord who has Risen With Musical guests Bono And special guests Obama And your host The Jimmy’s (?) Live from studio 666 It's...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Born in a Factory (Ratsweat)

    (spoken word) Now, the candy will pass by on this conveyor belt and continue in the next room where the girls will pack it. Now our job is to take each piece of candy and wrap it in one of these papers and then put it back on the belt. You understand? Yes sir Yes ma'am Let [?] Born in a factory Born in a factory Born in a factory Working all the...Learn More