Artist: Reza Avanluna
Lyrics of Artist: Reza Avanluna
Lyrics of Artist: Reza Avanluna
[Lyric] Brand New Color (Reza Avanluna)
It used to be so fun We once see the bright sun We were born then we grew up From one As the azure earth revolves As the cold ashen wind blows We smile like there's no tomorrow We ran like we were wild But no one stays as a child Vivid days of our youth Were suddenly gone Desaturated To new one it's painted There's no other way All to greet...Learn MorepopReza Avanluna[Lyric] ラブレター Love Letter (Reza Avanluna)
[Reza Avanluna「ラブレター」歌詞] 何を書いていようか 分からない気持ちが 君しか考えないんだよ 一日で思うときを 数えてみたらも 二万三千四十回だった このラブレター 書かなきゃいけないんだ けど言葉が来ないんだよ よく君のこと イメージしても 何も見えないよ ただ単純な笑顔 言葉に書かないわ君を 朝日が触れた花らしくて輝いているの君を ひどい雨のあとのレインボーような 心を癒やしてるの君を 届けたい気持ちを 手紙に書いてみるよ I'll never know where to start Bit-by-bit or part-by-part Only thing i know is that i can't stand you apart From me. i...Learn MorepopReza Avanluna