Artist: Richard & Linda Thompson
Lyrics of Artist: Richard & Linda Thompson
Lyrics of Artist: Richard & Linda Thompson
[Lyric] I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight Live (Richard & Linda Thompson)
[Verse 1] I'm so tired of working every day Now the weekend's come I'm gonna throw my troubles away If you've got the cab fare, mister, you'll do all right I want to see the bright lights tonight [Chorus] Meet me at the station, don't be late I need to spend some money and it just won't wait Take me to the dance and hold me tight I want to see the...Learn MorerockRichard & Linda Thompson[Lyric] The Calvary Cross Live at the Roundhouse (Richard & Linda Thompson)
[Verse 1] I was under the Calvary Cross Pale-faced lady, she said to me I've watched you with my one green eye And I'll hurt you till you need me [Verse 2] Scuff your heels and you spit on your shoes Ah, you do nothing with reason One day you catch a train Never leaves the station [Chorus] Everything you do Everything you do You do for me [Verse...Learn MorerockRichard & Linda Thompson