Artist: ROYO
Lyrics of Artist: ROYO
  1. [Lyric] La noia més maca del món (ROYO)

    T'estava mirant quan vas sortir del mar Amb el cabell mullat Et vaig observar tanta estona Que vaig veure com es feia daurat Com una flama que renaixia Ni els protagonistes sabran el que sentia Quan estava al teu costat La noia que no podia ser atrapada La dels dos cors i les mil mans - Oh escolta aquesta cançó No me'n demanaves en català? Deixa'm...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] I want to Know (ROYO)

    I have become The very thing I never wanted For all this time That I've been gone; changing (...) I want you, you to see, if you know The meaning of my tears I want to know how long I've been gone I want to learn the difference Between the devil and the god (...) I want to know Where I will go Without your tears Without your eyes I want to know,...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] Kill and Miss (ROYO)

    Try If you want Try to understrand Those people who love to fade out They kill you and they miss you at the same time They stole you life they stole your time And If you want you can try to understand Those people who love to fade out (...) They know and they ignore They want and they hate Why can't we be one? Why you don’t let me...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] Pride Queen Pt.2 (ROYO)

    They told me I was right But now I see my pride They told me I was right But now I don't mind Because It doesn't matter If you are not here by my side (solo) I belong to your side To your side...Learn More