Artist: Rudyard Kipling
Lyrics of Artist: Rudyard Kipling
  1. [Lyric] Back to the Army (Rudyard Kipling)

    I'm 'ere in a ticky ulster an' a broken billycock 'at, A-layin' on the sergeant I don't know a gun from a bat; My shirt's doin' duty for jacket, my sock's stickin' out o' my boots, An' I'm learnin' the damned old goose-step along o' the new recruits! Back to Army again, sergeant, Back to the Army again. Don't look so 'ard, for I 'aven't no...Learn More
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  2. [Lyric] By the Hoof of the Wild Goat (Rudyard Kipling)

    By the Hoof of the Wild Goat uptossed From the cliff where she lay in the Sun Fell the Stone To the Tarn where the daylight is lost, So she fell from the light of the Sun And alone! Now the fall was ordained from the first With the Goat and the Cliff and the Tarn, But the Stone Knows only her life is accursed As she sinks from the light of the...Learn More
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  3. [Lyric] An Imperial Rescript (Rudyard Kipling)

    Now this is the tale of the Council the German Kaiser decreed, To ease the strong of their burden, to help the weak in their need, He sent a word to the peoples, who struggle, and pant, and sweat, That the straw might be counted fairly and the tally of bricks be set. The Lords of Their Hands assembled; from the East and the West they drew...Learn More
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  4. [Lyric] A Ballad of Burial (Rudyard Kipling)

    If down here I chance to die, Solemnly I beg you take All that is left of "I" To the Hills for old sake's sake, Pack me very thoroughly In the ice that used to slake Pegs I drank when I was dry -- This observe for old sake's sake. To the railway station hie, There a single ticket take For Umballa -- goods-train -- I Shall not mind delay or...Learn More
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  5. [Lyric] A Pilgrims Way (Rudyard Kipling)

    I do not look for holy saints to guide me on my way, Or male and female devilkins to lead my feet astray. If these are added, I rejoice---if not, I shall not mind, So long as I have leave and choice to meet my fellow-kind. For as we come and as we go (and deadly-soon go we!) The people, Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me! Thus I will honour...Learn More
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  6. [Lyric] A Code of Morals (Rudyard Kipling)

    Now Jones had left his new-wed bride to keep his house in order, And hied away to the Hurrum Hills above the Afghan border, To sit on a rock with a heliograph; but ere he left he taught His wife the working of the Code that sets the miles at naught. And Love had made him very sage, as Nature made her fair; So Cupid and Apollo linked , per...Learn More
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  7. [Lyric] A Dedication (Rudyard Kipling)

    And they were stronger hands than mine That digged the Ruby from the earth-- More cunning brains that made it worth The large desire of a king, And stouter hearts that through the brine Went down the perfect Pearl to bring. Lo, I have wrought in common clay Rude figures of a rough-hewn race, Since pearls strew not the market-place In this my town...Learn More
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  8. [Lyric] A Ripple Song (Rudyard Kipling)

    Once red ripple came to land In the golden sunset burning-- Lapped against a maiden's hand, By the ford returning. Dainty foot and gentle breast-- Here, across, be glad and rest. "Maiden, wait," the ripple saith; "Wait awhile, for I am Death!" "Where my lover calls I go-- Shame it were to treat him coldly-- 'Twas a fish that circled so, Turning...Learn More
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  9. [Lyric] Alnaschar and the Oxen (Rudyard Kipling)

    There's a pasture in a valley where the hanging woods divide, And a Herd lies down and ruminates in peace; Where the pheasant rules the nooning, and the owl the twilight tide, And the war-cries of our world die out and cease. Here I cast aside the burden that each weary week-day brings And, delivered from the shadows I pursue, On peaceful,...Learn More
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  10. [Lyric] Birds Of Prey March (Rudyard Kipling)

    March! The mud is cakin' good about our trousies. Front! -- eyes front, an' watch the Colour-casin's drip. Front! The faces of the women in the 'ouses Ain't the kind o' things to take aboard the ship. Cheer! An' we'll never march to victory. Cheer! An' we'll never live to 'ear the cannon roar! The Large Birds o' Prey They will carry us away, An'...Learn More
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  11. [Lyric] Arithmetic on the Frontier (Rudyard Kipling)

    A great and glorious thing it is To learn, for seven years or so, The Lord knows what of that and this, Ere reckoned fit to face the foe -- The flying bullet down the Pass, That whistles clear: "All flesh is grass." Three hundred pounds per annum spent On making brain and body meeter For all the murderous intent Comprised in "villanous...Learn More
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  12. [Lyric] Blue Roses (Rudyard Kipling)

    Roses red and roses white Plucked I for my love's delight. She would none of all my posies-- Bade me gather her blue roses. Half the world I wandered through, Seeking where such flowers grew. Half the world unto my quest Answered me with laugh and jest. Home I came at wintertide, But my silly love had died Seeking with her latest breath Roses...Learn More
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