Lyrics of Artist: RYOSUKE MOCHIDA
  1. [Lyric] Chosen by death (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    Tao is sitting in an alley. He has just met Cheng who sold him Yumikes’ memory. He is very excited and, slowly, is preparing to copy files into his brain. The experience is fantastic. But a sinister shadow appears behind him. The boy has closed eyes, he doesn’t notice the dark presence. But then he opens his eyes. He suddenly falls back and crawls...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] A promise of love (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    It’s raining cats and dogs. A wet, moonless night envelops the outcast city of Kowloon. Cheng lies in a seedy basement. He lies on his bed and thinks, his eyes are turned to the ceiling. He receives a beep. An image file. “This is Olympus, the city of the Chosen”. Mei shows Cheng an image. “I come from there.” “And where is this place?” “Up there,...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] They will find you (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    Someone walks down a crowded avenue in the city. He’s a tall, massive cyborg with an adult face, blond hair. He has two artificial eyes and extendible limbs. He’s dressed in a long black raincoat. Over him, without anyone noticing him, dozens of drones fly: tiny artificial insects with eyes and powerful scanners, connected to the net The cyborg...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] Clandestine in parallel (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    It’s raining cats and dogs. A wet, moonless night envelops the outcast city of Kowloon. Cheng lies in a seedy basement. He lies on his bed and thinks, his eyes are turned to the ceiling. He receives a beep. An image file. “This is Olympus, the city of the Chosen”. Mei shows Cheng an image. “I come from there.” “And where is this place?” “Up there,...Learn More
  5. [Lyric] System shutdown (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    The Great Temple is located in the central square of Olympus. It is the place where everyone can offer their memories to the Great Data Archive. It is a ritual, a cathartic gesture of all the citizens of Olympus. Cheng goes there. But instead of his data, he enters Wan’s external memory. As he expected, a black screen appears in front of his eyes,...Learn More
  6. [Lyric] Punching the sky (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    Cheng and Mei enter the tower from the basement parking lot. Mei identifies herself at the entrance with a fake account and the building computer opens the glass doors with a high-pitched beep. “This way,” Mei says, pointing up a curved corridor. A large and very long spiral of glass runs around the tower, running vertically throughout the...Learn More
  7. [Lyric] A strange man in a bar (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    Cheng is riding his motorcycle: he has to meet Xiong, his supplier, to get a new pack of memories. Along with Cheng is Mei, a cyborg girl from his friends gang. Xiong waits for them at the counter of a street bar. He watches the passing crowd. He is nervous, a drop of cold sweat runs through his temples as he takes a sip at his glass of...Learn More
  8. [Lyric] Cyborg vs cyborg (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    “The pale god of Kowloon wants your eyes”. It is the voice of the killer. Suddenly the killer’s extensible mechanical arm heads out fast to Cheng but Mei snaps and, with the lightning agility of her cyborg body, she blocks the hit. Cheng, who had no idea of ​​the lethal potential of Mei’s cybernetic body, remains stunned. The cyborg girl and the...Learn More
  9. [Lyric] Scanning databases (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    Mei tells Cheng to be careful with the new Xiong’s stuff. She asks him to let her scan it for malware. The operation is dangerous because, while scanning corrupted data, she could become infected. For this reason, Cheng tells Mei to forget about it: Xiong’s stuff has always been good and, anyway, it’s a matter of those who buy it. So he washes his...Learn More
  10. [Lyric] Vanishing into the void (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    “We have to disappear”. Mei and Cheng look at each other again. “I have to change our identification accounts - she says - only this way they will no longer be able to recognize us on the web: we will disappear among the folds of this city and the pale god of Kowloon will not be able to find us”. “You seemed to know him - says Cheng to Mei - It is...Learn More
  11. [Lyric] Bad surprise (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    However Cheng remembers Mei’s warning and contacts his customers to know if the memories he sold them were good. He was able to implement the motorcycle and he is impatient to show it to Mei. But nobody answers him. And Mei also seems disappeared. Suspicious, Cheng wanders through the city. He goes into his customers houses and finds them dead one...Learn More
  12. [Lyric] The electric drama open titles (RYOSUKE MOCHIDA)

    “Mei, I miss you. I miss your metal body, your synthetic hair, your artificial breath.” “I’m here, Cheng. I am everywhere, always with you. I am pure spirit in the mega-machine.” “My father’s name was Han. He was one of Olympus’ designers. He was in robotics. He was an artist. He wanted to create useful robots. Not just physically. He wanted them...Learn More