Artist: S3RL
Lyrics of Artist: S3RL
  1. [Lyric] Not Alone (S3RL)

    You're not alone You've got a friend in song Let the sound into your soul You're not alone You're not alone You're not alone You've got a friend in this song Standing right next to you You're not alone Let the sound into your soul Music's the best friend you know...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Ravers MashUp (S3RL)

    Now follow me into the raver dimension I know this pretty rave girl, always think about her And when she says hi to me, butterflies go right through me And when I see her dancin', wanna take a chance in Getting a little closer and maybe get to know, know, know... (Yeah, yeah, here we go) I know this pretty rave girl, always think about her And...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] That Feelin (S3RL)

    Give me the bassline and the treble Give me the feeling that makes my heart sing out Like oo a'oo, lalalala, like oo a'oo And when the speakers start to tremble It makes my hair stand up on the back of my neck Like oo a'oo, lalalala, like oo a'oo That feelin' That feelin' Oo oo a'oo, lalalala, like oo a'oo Let that sound play and let it take...Learn More