Artist: Sam Teskey
Lyrics of Artist: Sam Teskey
  1. [Lyric] Let The Sun Bring The Light (Sam Teskey)

    I’m on the way to morn Til the morning comes I’m on the way to morn Til the morning comes I’m gonna wait for the sun For the sun to rise The sun will bring the light But the light will bring a war Til the suns no more...Learn More
    popSam Teskey
  2. [Lyric] Til The River Takes Us Home (Sam Teskey)

    Hey mumma You know i love her I’m making a home Lord in my arms That river it’s flowing So fast it’s going It’s taking me in It’s pulling me in Hey mumma I say bye i’m gonna I’ll find my way Til the river takes me home Hey lover Soon a mother We’re making a home Lord in our arms That river it’s flowing So fast it’s going It’s taking me in Let’s...Learn More
    popSam Teskey