Artist: Schroeder Roadshow
Lyrics of Artist: Schroeder Roadshow
  1. [Lyric] So ein Tag... Eng. translation - Such a day so wunderfull as today (Schroeder Roadshow)

    Brutally rape in the central station toilet A silent tear sparkle in the red sunset A fellow, tired of life, takes the train to nowhere Mr. Biedermann beats his wife and children to death Yes, such a day So wonderful as today Wherever I look Everywhere only horrible nice folks Sharp weapons ready to take in the glove box On the dump lies a last...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  2. [Lyric] Annemie Eng. translation - Annemie (Schroeder Roadshow)

    [1th Voice; Beckground Voice] [1th V.] Annemie, [BG Annemie Uhh] oh Annemie You are so pale, lock at me Did you look again to deep in the Makeup box Or is it anemia, anemia [BG] uuuuuuuuuuuu Annemie, oh Annemie You are so pale, you hardly breathe You are not stuck again in the middel Of the last valiumdream Or is it anemia, anemia [BG]...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  3. [Lyric] Fette Ratten Eng. Translation - Fat Rats (Schroeder Roadshow)

    [1th Voice,2th voice] [1th V.] In our street lives a chap A real hardcore drugaddict He told me, sins briefly he has a giant problem It was like this when it began The trip started real cool But suddenly they was cut in the film And then I saw then standing in front of me [1th Voice,2th voice] Fat Rats Fat Rats, big fat rats Yuck!(yuck!)Hab...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  4. [Lyric] Fette Ratten (Schroeder Roadshow)

    [1th Voice,2th voice] [1th V.] In unser Strasse wohnt ein Typ Ein ausgekochter Drogenfreak Er erzählt mir, seit kurzem hab er ein Risenproblem Es war so als es begang Fing der Trip ganz cool an Doch urplötzlich riß der Film Und da sah ich sie vor mir stehen: [1th Voice,2th voice] Fette Ratten Fette ratten, große fette Ratten Igitt!(igitt!)Hab...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  5. [Lyric] Die Verfolgung und ermordung des Rockundroll dargestellt durch die Musikertruppe des Hospizes zu (Schroeder Roadshow)

    [1th Voice; 2th voice;3th Voice] [1th V.] Jeden Tag in der Bravo Im Fernsehn und Funk Nur Plastik und Disco Nur Scheiße und Schund [2th V.] Ihr müßt mehr fressen und saufen Gebt euren Leben Sinn Jeden Tag neues kaufen Das bringt den Gewinn [1th V.] Der eine sackt das Silber ein Der andere wäscht sich schuldlos rein Dann entreißsen sie dir dein...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  6. [Lyric] Die Verfolgung.. Eng. Translation - The pursuit and murder of rockandroll Part II (Schroeder Roadshow)

    In a moment I kick you in the face You dirty bastard With your white vest / you don’t fool me You vulture you dirty little money picker I hate you / I hate you You scumbag / you rat You slimy pile of rubbish / you miserable peace of shit I hate you / I hate you And everything what belongs to you Aaaaah,aaaaaaaaaahh … rrrgh……….. Your shitty word...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  7. [Lyric] In Toten... Eng translation - In dead oneway streets (Schroeder Roadshow)

    [1th Voice; 2th Voice] [1th V] Rainbows on wet asphalt Rats are scurrying in the channel The air is carrying a idea of violence But we a missing the agony of choice In the street in which we are living for such a long time Here even the luck goes by itself The bad small of the gutter will stick to you And the wind smells bitter after cole...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  8. [Lyric] DieVer. Eng Translation - The pursuit and murder of rockandroll performed by the musikasamble from (Schroeder Roadshow)

    [1th Voice; 2th voice;3th Voice] [1th V.] Every day in the Bravo In TV and Radio Only plastic and disco Only trash and shit [2th V.] You have to guzzle more food and drinks Give your live a sense Every day buying something new This rises the profit [1th V.] One sags the silver The other is washing himself guiltless clean Then they snatch you...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  9. [Lyric] Barbara (Schroeder Roadshow)

    [1th Voice; 2th Voice] [1th V.] Papa kome nak Deutsland Mama kome nak Deutsland Ik kom ik auk hier,abe' Lebe hier is swer - - Aha Papa steht an de Fließ-e-band Mama steht an de Fließ-e-band Ik hier finde nikeße Arbeit Ik hab ik hier vielß e Frei-eit--Aha Ik-e spiele viel Flipper, ode´ Billiard ode´ ßo Un abeäs ik immer gehe kuke in de Disco,yeah...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  10. [Lyric] Annemie (Schroeder Roadshow)

    [1th Voice; Beckground Voice] [1th V.] Annemie, [BG Annemie Uhh] oh Annemie [BG Uhh] Du bist so bleich, schau mich mal an Hast du schon wieder einen Blick zu tief In die Pudderdose getan Oder ist das Anämie, Anämie [BG] uuuuuuuuuuuu Annemie, [BG Annemie Uhh] oh Annemie [BG Uhh] Du bist so bleich, du atmest kaum Du steckst doch nicht schon wieder...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  11. [Lyric] Die Verfolgung und ermordung des Rockundroll Teil II (Schroeder Roadshow)

    Ich tret dir gleich in die Fresse Du dreckiges Schwein Mit deiner Wießen Weste / legst Du mich nicht rein Du Geier, du mieser kleiner Geldgeier Ich hasse dich / ich hasse dich Du Drecksack / Du Ratte Du schleimiger Müllhaufen - Du elendes Stück Scheiße Ich Hasse dich / Ich hasse Dich Und alles, was zu dir gehört Aaaaah,aaaaaaaaaahh …...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow
  12. [Lyric] Barbara Eng. translation Barbara (Schroeder Roadshow)

    Papa coming to Germany Mama coming to Germany I come I too here but here is dificulte - aha Papa stending on thehe assembly line Mama stending on thehe assembly line I don't find mach worke here I have mush free time here I playing mush Flipper, or Billiard or so And at night I always go look in Disco yeah yeah And tehre I see you much often Ba...Learn More
    popSchroeder Roadshow