Artist: She Said Destroy
Lyrics of Artist: She Said Destroy
  1. [Lyric] Sharpening the Blade (She Said Destroy)

    Draw my blood or breath or both I have nothing else to offer you Let’s cling to this and pray we don’t tip over Make believe fine honing To perfection Sharpening the blade until There is nothing Left Is love but an instrument of survival? A path to absolution In such a cold, cold world? A prism refracting Rays of self-loathing? A shield upon...Learn More
    rockShe Said Destroy
  2. [Lyric] Our Will Be Done (She Said Destroy)

    Into that darkness With a numbed Acceptance That down there in the depths Is a comforting Womb An itch of discordance Reiterate What has been revealed Feel disbelief Yes, we look away and suffocate Descent in stationary phase Come senescence Hurry along now Let us cross This finish line Slip through the fingers of disaster Altogether Our will be...Learn More
    rockShe Said Destroy
  3. [Lyric] You Will End (She Said Destroy)

    You will end And so will all of this As hasty as a bee sting Or a draw of breath To never see the sun again For all thoughts to lose Their meaning And it matters not As you dissolve Become something else Entirely A million little pieces With a million new shapes No longer are you Become death A shatterer of worlds Thus helping this place To repair...Learn More
    rockShe Said Destroy
  4. [Lyric] Ruin (She Said Destroy)

    “All these days that Ran away, little did i know ” What complete nonsense to say Now tearing up As you try to regain A chance blown With all you had You gave nothing away What you knew You made sure to forget You reap what you sow Don’t tell me about your Struggles to get by We’re at the end of this road Picking up pieces And settling for scraps We...Learn More
    rockShe Said Destroy
  5. [Lyric] Eyes Go Pale (She Said Destroy)

    Her sickness howls Like a child over Hills Past city limits Down streets And into Dreams Of those who Once loved And lived and shared An unbecoming veil Of anxieties and fears A little sting That fractures every smile A trail of thoughts That make Eyes Go pale and glazed Too much to Bear Just walk Away...Learn More
    rockShe Said Destroy
  6. [Lyric] All the Kings Horses (She Said Destroy)

    As if Whispers of Hope Into the ears Of the Downtrodden And the ones engulfed in darkness Will Bring about a new tide A new time A tipping point is a tipping Point And I believe We are all Coming along For the great fall I reserve my right To hold little Faith in kings and Their horses And men...Learn More
    rockShe Said Destroy
  7. [Lyric] Not Only Bridges (She Said Destroy)

    We burn Not only bridges We burn The ground beneath our feet We burn Not only bridges We burn All foresight and hindsight We burn Not only bridges We burn Ourselves and our offspring Is this the ultimate Self-sacrifice? Consumed by flames At the stake For an idea And seek no Absolution Only to win At the game The idea of a future Is an...Learn More
    rockShe Said Destroy
  8. [Lyric] Succession (She Said Destroy)

    What is next anyway? I did not ask to be born To begin with And now Neither did you As you open Your eyes Childhood is Over My teenage angst has Gone out of style The joke is on Who? I cannot blame anyone For setting me up I cannot point The finger With a wish to retreat Stop conveniently Forgetting The here and now Because here you are And I need...Learn More
    rockShe Said Destroy
  9. [Lyric] Collapse (She Said Destroy)

    The devil is in The detritus and debris Gravity defying Amounts of ill will Holed up in The skies above Self fellating Cumulonimbus Kakodaimōns Makes it rain Makes it rain Makes it rain On them souls Is there even room For more mischief In the enochian Ebb and flow? Our sewers weren’t Made for this The banks of Babylon Are no longer dry Drizzle...Learn More
    rockShe Said Destroy
  10. [Lyric] Greed Witches (She Said Destroy)

    This is not a drill They actually live They are insatiable Gaping mouths Hacked out eyes Ears cut off Greedy claws They steal the air And summon floods No desire beyond The lust for gain A feast bar none Go forth and Multiply Win terrain and self-deify Feed the beast And scorch the earth Come one, come all It’s midnight And we are all out of bubble...Learn More
    rockShe Said Destroy