Artist: Shpongle
Lyrics of Artist: Shpongle
  1. [Lyric] Divine Moments of Truth Astrix Loud LSD Remix (Shpongle)

    [0:33] (Whispering) (Fallen straight into our trap) (Get out of here) (Just get in here) (Straight into our trap) (Never get out of here) [1:19] The first thing that happens Is that there is a sense though all the air in the room Had been sucked out All the colours brighten This is that increase in visual acuity All edges become sharp Distant...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] ...But Nothing Is Lost (Shpongle)

    Nothing lasts Nothing lasts Everything is changing into something else Nothing is wrong Nothing is wrong Everything is on track You know, William Blake said Nothing is lost, nothing is lost And I, I really believe that That we all move on...Learn More