Artist: Sienna sarath
Lyrics of Artist: Sienna sarath
  1. [Lyric] Lockdawn (Sienna sarath)

    waking up with a texst knowing its you texsting me all day but i cant see you ayyy a wanner get up out of bed and go outsid and go and play but we cant do it becouse of this lockdown ye i wanner see you evvrey day but i cant cas of lockdown but we can still texst each other and facetime i really miss you but we cant see each other i really wanner...Learn More
    miscSienna sarath
  2. [Lyric] I just cant let you go (Sienna sarath)

    ohh why cant we just be like this agan ohh my harts broken i dono why you done this to me all i wont is to be like we yousto be but you just dont let it go and you dont even pick up the phone when i call you all iwont is to be with you now my harts broken ohh now my harts broken you dont even rospond to my messegs i dont know what to do im so...Learn More
    miscSienna sarath