Artist: Stephen Crane
Lyrics of Artist: Stephen Crane
  1. [Lyric] Mud Puddle Blossom V (Stephen Crane)

    The girl, Maggie, blossomed in a mud puddle. She grew to be a most rare and wonderful production of a tenement district, a pretty girl. None of the dirt of Rum Alley seemed to be in her veins. The philosophers up-stairs, down-stairs and on the same floor, puzzled over it. When a child, playing and fighting with gamins in the street, dirt...Learn More
    miscStephen Crane
  2. [Lyric] Jimmies Occupation IV (Stephen Crane)

    Jimmie's occupation for a long time was to stand on streetcorners and watch the world go by, dreaming blood-red dreams at the passing of pretty women. He menaced mankind at the intersections of streets. On the corners he was in life and of life. The world was going on and he was there to perceive it. He maintained a belligerent attitude toward...Learn More
    miscStephen Crane
  3. [Lyric] The Theater VIII (Stephen Crane)

    Evenings during the week he took her to see plays in which the brain-clutching heroine was rescued from the palatial home of her guardian, who is cruelly after her bonds, by the hero with the beautiful sentiments. The latter spent most of his time out at soak in pale-green snow storms, busy with a nickel-plated revolver, rescuing aged strangers...Learn More
    rapStephen Crane
  4. [Lyric] A Dark Region II (Stephen Crane)

    Eventually they entered into a dark region where, from a careening building, a dozen gruesome doorways gave up loads of babies to the street and the gutter. A wind of early autumn raised yellow dust from cobbles and swirled it against an hundred windows. Long streamers of garments fluttered from fire-escapes. In all unhandy places there were...Learn More
    rapStephen Crane
  5. [Lyric] The Honor of Rum Alley I (Stephen Crane)

    A very little boy stood upon a heap of gravel for the honor of Rum Alley. He was throwing stones at howling urchins from Devil's Row who were circling madly about the heap and pelting at him His infantile countenance was livid with fury. His small body was writhing in the delivery of great, crimson oaths "Run, Jimmie, run! Dey'll get yehs,"...Learn More
    rapStephen Crane