Artist: Swamp Dogg
Lyrics of Artist: Swamp Dogg
  1. [Lyric] Dr. M. L. G. J. A. (Swamp Dogg)

    I was mentally and physically exhausted But I didn't know it The chairmen of five corporations flying abroad keeping abroad Running so much I didn't show it One day I started feeling weird and weak And out of it completely And no matter how much rest I got I always woke up sleepy Then I got a hiccup That lasted all weekend I called my doctor He...Learn More
    popSwamp Dogg
  2. [Lyric] Come To L.A. (Swamp Dogg)

    You heard about Compton, Covina, and Whittier But that's not all that L.A.’s got Hollywood, Beverly Hills San Fernando Valley's where I live Buy a 30,000 dollar house For a half million dollars or more You need a burglar alarm, two pitbulls And put bars on your windows and doors Don't worry about muggers walking the street They all workin’ for the...Learn More
    popSwamp Dogg
  3. [Lyric] Choking To Death From The Ties That Bind (Swamp Dogg)

    Lately I can't breathe These walls are closing in on me This lump in my throat's Getting bigger all the time I'm choking to death From the ties that bind Yes I am now Angry words not thought But spoken Are one reason why The fire's only smoking Instead of fuel, there's tears Yours and mine We're choking to death From the ties that bind Yes we are...Learn More
    popSwamp Dogg
  4. [Lyric] The Mind Does The Dancing While The Body Pulls The Strings (Swamp Dogg)

    The mind does the dancing while the body pulls the strings It'll keep you so confused if you don't know the inner brain You're struggling to leave but you're so afraid to go If I live to be a thousand don't want to make this trip no more No more The mind does the dancing while the body pulls the strings 24 hours, 24 different changes One minute...Learn More
    popSwamp Dogg