Artist: TchKunG!
Lyrics of Artist: TchKunG!
  1. [Lyric] Smash Things Up (TchKunG!)

    In Austin it was Jenny who made the rich folks sorry She would steal their cadillacs and dump them in the quarry In jail she learned the lesson she'll remember till the end You stick to your story, you never confess, you never turn in a friend! Rob the rich! Smash things up! Stick to your story, you'll never be caught! Rob the rich! Arm the...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Tegucigalpa (TchKunG!)

    Let me tell you the story of little Mollie May Her stepfather taught her special games they could play The man was a preacher, made her swear not to tell He talked about heaven, but he made her life hell Sometimes he would hurt her right there in the church Grew up hating herself, she doubted her worth But shе knew in her heart what was wrong with...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] New Earth (TchKunG!)

    New Earth! New Earth! New Earth! Let them not say they were not warned Let them not say they were not told Let them fall like the forests they destroyed Let them die like the slaves they bought and sold Let them have enough rope Let them hang themselves Let their corpses fertilise our new earth We'll wash the streets with the blood of the...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] New Earth Rising (TchKunG!)

    Now...what do revolutionaries do when they win, eh? When the blood has been sunk into the fields and been washed from the streets? When the old flag's been torn down, the old ties broken, the old system thrown away?" Let a New Earth Rise! Let another world be born No more corruption, no more compromise Unpolluted, free, free from their lies Let...Learn More