Artist: The Extra Glenns
Lyrics of Artist: The Extra Glenns
  1. [Lyric] Sure (The Extra Glenns)

    Let the sails catch the wind Let them grow fat and full Set out the trawl to catch the animals that look like aliens The wooden floorboards let out a full and satisfying sound When you rap your fists against them Let the sun become hollow Let the heat from it wash down madly And let me have a minute of your time Stop the flood from rushing through...Learn More
    popThe Extra Glenns
  2. [Lyric] Greasepaint Friday (The Extra Glenns)

    White skies like doorways and my bright eyes Tight skin shining now The words that hang like new fat plums Heavy on the bow The nectar which can be distilled From windows in the house It takes a hand which knows how to crush Each then into a now The new moon well it looked new to me Air hanging heavy and full Which shines under the right...Learn More
    popThe Extra Glenns
  3. [Lyric] The Moon (The Extra Glenns)

    I thought that I was in control When I saw her coming, and I reached out my hand You, you, you would think so too But there is something here that you do not understand She's got skin that you would not believe I saw her skin and I went out of my mind She's got skin more perfect than the sky And I reached out my hand and left the world...Learn More
    popThe Extra Glenns
  4. [Lyric] Untitled (The Extra Glenns)

    I came sliding down the right pathway I was shining like a migraine headache I came calling with my voice newly polished My throat was reflecting things you had left in the air And I could taste the air, it was hot in my lungs It was strange to be in there without you Light from the window burns my eyes And that tells me something about you I sold...Learn More
    popThe Extra Glenns