Artist: The Pbes
Lyrics of Artist: The Pbes
Lyrics of Artist: The Pbes
[Lyric] Nice To Meet You (The Pbes)
If it’s raw, get it outtah your face You don’t know if it’s wandered the place Keep it covered, it’s your personal space And when you’re done, wash your hands and your face Nice to meet you How is the salad? I'm craving the second course You've got great taste And Lady knowledge A regional tour-de-force Before we dive in to dirty dishes I need to...Learn MorerockThe Pbes[Lyric] All By Myself (The Pbes)
You’ve known me for sometime, it’s true And now i need to forget about you It’s been so long since i’ve felt at ease She’s in my purse She takes batteries All by myself I’m all by myself It seems to me that the truth is true Nothing compares to my time with you Under the sheets, i surrender here Kiss me on my clit, my dear All by myself I’m all...Learn MorerockThe Pbes[Lyric] Dame (The Pbes)
Hey silver foxy, all your moxie's Got me torn up in two See, I am butch on the surface But inside I wanna curtsy for you Just gimme one night I'll shine your Oscar bright I wanna french I wanna french Judi Dench I wanna french I wanna french Judi Dench You are the queen of my scene So tell me, what is a lezzie to do? When all the sapphic sisters...Learn MorerockThe Pbes