Artist: Tom Harmon
Lyrics of Artist: Tom Harmon
  1. [Lyric] Day Break (Tom Harmon)

    A million suns rise on a frozen windshield I should scrape but don’t. I watch a universe explode in reds and blues and ice hot whites while I hold the wheel mesmerized waiting for the car to warm....Learn More
    miscTom Harmon
  2. [Lyric] Falling (Tom Harmon)

    The calendar shedding days like leaves trips you up. You wish to save some ironed between wax paper thumb-tacked near the phone to recall. But nights rake them away too quickly. You realize you’re falling through years....Learn More
    miscTom Harmon
  3. [Lyric] Enlightenment by Proxy (Tom Harmon)

    He discovered epiphanies disappearing with age. Those blinding knock-you-off-your-horse life revelations faded the more he walked years, vanishing altogether somewhere around 40 and the birth of kids. But he was OK with that. Witnessing his sons' journey and eyes-widening discoveries illuminated dark days at a 9-to-5 accounting job and weekend...Learn More
    miscTom Harmon