Artist: Yali {USA}
Lyrics of Artist: Yali {USA}
Lyrics of Artist: Yali {USA}
[Lyric] The Danger Song (Yali {USA})
Speak softly, I’m hardly awake Come closer, but please stay away I came to in the black frost of March; Don’t want no poison, I just need to accept my loss Sometimes we get these cold iron thoughts And I won’t let you take nothing at all Although I want to give, I’ve made up my mind I’ll let these wicked ways wander—I can walk and take my time Do...Learn MorerockYali {USA}[Lyric] Red Mild (Yali {USA})
Red & mild sky Makes me feel like I’m the only one Red & mild sky Makes me feel like I’m the only one See that sun setting low now; See those shoes wrapped around the wire Feel that gentle wind now Feel that simple love come over me Come over me Red & mild sky Take me up. Take me up. Take me up. Pull me in. Pull me in Red & mild sky All I’ve got...Learn MorepopYali {USA}[Lyric] Noise (Yali {USA})
I bleed for your kind And stray from the line And wait for the trust/love of your touch; While sticking to borders you’d never get much If I could just play God Shifting shapes to get what I want If it were just, I’d live in lust Caught in contention, neck deep in the flood I want to open up my soul, and let it go, let it go And spread the flames...Learn MorerockYali {USA}[Lyric] Tart (Yali {USA})
Please, lover, keep my ancient heart An age abandoned, sucking sour sweet tarts With rotten teeth; stuck in my youth Don’t make me brush; I want my skin to come and brush across you Keep me clean. Please keep me safe The child in me wants to run But, oh, I need your cage I lay me down, I hear your breath I see the full sun rise and fall In cycled...Learn MorepopYali {USA}