Artist: You Could Be A Cop
Lyrics of Artist: You Could Be A Cop
Lyrics of Artist: You Could Be A Cop
[Lyric] The Cakes are Burned (You Could Be A Cop)
I can’t seem to remember how you laughed at yourself I can’t seem to remember how you layed there I can’t seem to remember how you did it all on your own Good news: You are engaged, but the cakes are burnt now When they asked us what we were doing here, we pushed ourselves to look Do you believe in yourself or miracles or Santa Claus or kissing...Learn MorepopYou Could Be A Cop[Lyric] Still The Same (You Could Be A Cop)
Rain falls Between my two hands Your face, the night We drove our bikes into the morning light Recollections of wounds patched up by some other kids mom We swam in lakes, made chairs into trains. trains into planes Flew over beds and dirty toys The window sills where we sat, dreamt of better times Behind the ugly curtains we hid when we...Learn MorepopYou Could Be A Cop[Lyric] Untitled (You Could Be A Cop)
Put your worn heart and put it into your sleeve Take it out whenever you need Make yourself free from all the troubles you left behind Just to be yourself for just this once When your family cries, when your mother dies Then you think about what’s life Break it up in two, break it up into something new That you know you belong to That you now...Learn MorepopYou Could Be A Cop