Artist: Youth Expire
Lyrics of Artist: Youth Expire
  1. [Lyric] Chronic Angst (Youth Expire)

    [verse] Use this number when you Would like to speak with me I’ll just be busy With a vast conspiracy Might not pick up my phone Tired from doing nothing Got surveilled But not assailed-- I guess I’m lucky [Chorus] Buried to my neck In something sick I don’t feel much drive...Learn More
    rockYouth Expire
  2. [Lyric] Some Dump (Youth Expire)

    How much of my stuff Is sitting in some dump In Staten Island Covered in bedbugs? I’m not a masochist And I’m not an egotist I told New York to eat my shit Raised on a toxic dump And drinking poison sludge They paid me out to make amends I can do anything I want now Unless it’s give a fuck I guess I don’t deserve that job...Learn More
    rockYouth Expire
  3. [Lyric] Pine Lake Park (Youth Expire)

    [verse 1] All our friends just laugh To keep from feeling so bad All the same days stealing Inject for feeling Look for stuff to sell [Chorus] Another one lands inside-- He just needed a ride To meet some guy Another one spends his days Stabbed with plastic shanks [verse 2] Crowbar to lock Gold to pawn We saw that sketch and just knew Too much...Learn More
    rockYouth Expire
  4. [Lyric] Nose (Youth Expire)

    [verse 1] How about my nose Starts gushing blood? My eyes see spots I can’t stand up Total confusion I’m completely disillusioned My oldest friends Are out robbing homes again [Chorus] Me? I’m catching up From a youth spent swimming in shit and scum [verse 2] Some teenage kid Is home throwing up A father figure falters And starts shooting...Learn More
    rockYouth Expire
  5. [Lyric] Maggot City (Youth Expire)

    [verse 1] I took my date Down to little Haiti And got chest pains From too much fun Prompting me to ask what ...we’d done Shake down For cigarettes On my death bed We bought some stuff Like these cheap pills And expensive dust [Chorus] It’s so easy to say There’s no returns When you’re still shopping-- So don’t tell me [verse 2] Went back...Learn More
    rockYouth Expire
  6. [Lyric] Paint (Youth Expire)

    Yell at paint As it dries A couple years went by Me just complaining So insufferable; I felt so unstable I got cut off... Back then By a couple strangers Vague but burning Aspiration I don’t think they’d understand I don’t try explaining...Learn More
    rockYouth Expire
  7. [Lyric] JFK (Youth Expire)

    [verse] I’m unemployed again I dumped my therapist I just woke up, but the sun is setting I took her call again I should have just slept in Inside an airport by the ocean Your new professor friend Gets your career ahead I point it out and see how mad you get I do declare I’m not sure I ever cared I tried to do the same to you [Chorus] Y'know what...Learn More
    rockYouth Expire
  8. [Lyric] Dump Truck (Youth Expire)

    [verse 1] Dead body inside a pickup truck Cooking up some brown, or white, stuff When his skin turned blue No one knew just what to do [Chorus] We called attorneys We called a doctor We called his family They took it badly We called the cops last To move his body [verse 2] Dead body inside a burned out house Looking for some pipes, or wires, to...Learn More
    rockYouth Expire