Artist: Ziva_music
Lyrics of Artist: Ziva_music
  1. [Lyric] Hold Me (Ziva_music)

    Hold Me Just hold me I am lost not found Lost in those eyes that lie Just hold me Till there’snothing’s left Till the last tear’s shed And you must defend your dignity Like I’m living in a jungle With wild animals around Abandoned and forgotten The closest ones have died So hold me Catch me from my fall Watch me burn my soul In the dark of the...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Dreamland@3AM (Ziva_music)

    Dreamland@3AM Neon lights, open eyes, 3AM Burnt out lights in the stare haunt you Cold sweats and pupils wide wondering Why it’s you Just woke up in a strange pitch black room Phone’s ringing next to me, hit snooze Worst pain is seeing loved ones lost  And broken Your attitude and smile Could fool the others I know better than them How you...Learn More