Song: 9/11 Building 7
Year: 2011
Viewed: 6 - Published at: 8 years ago

There's a million reasons why I don’t believe it
There's a million reasons why it can't be true
Open fire can’t melt steel, it's not hot enough
It's nothing new it's not a mystery, check out the Reichstag, Germany

There's a million questions still remain unanswered
There's a million questions still to be resolved
Out of nineteen Muslim guys, seven still remained alive
It's nothing new it's not a mystery, check out thе USS Liberty

9/11, 9/11
What went down with building 7?
It’s a mystery to this day
Thе building fell with such precision
Freefall speed no reasons given
Like the towers it just fell
And fire’s not enough
No way hot enough to bring 'em down

The Project for the New American Century
Was added to a year before that day
It states in order to proceed
A modern day Pearl Harbor it would need
In Vietnam it was just the same, the Gulf of Tonkin took the blame
9/11 set them free - The Project for the New American Century
It’s just a lie it's a conspiracy, Cold War, Bird Flu, W.M.D

9/11, 9/11, what went down with building 7?
It's a mystery to this day
The building fell with such precision
Freefall speed no reasons given
Like the towers it just fell
And fire's not enough
No way hot enough to bring ’em down

We've gotta stand up
We've gotta be strong
We've got to hold our nerve until the job is done
And they've made a killing
They don't care about the blood that they're spilling

9/11, 9/11, what went down with building 7?
Ever since that fateful day
Our civil rights have disappeared
A global Fascist state draws near
And our freedom slips away
And they don't give a stuff!
They've made that clear enough
So now it's up to us, to bring 'em down...

( Martin Noakes )