M1: Jungle Boy def. Bobby Fish
After the match, Adam Cole helped Bobby Fish to beat down Jungle Boy
Backstage, The Super Kliq get ready to cut a promo, but Hangman Adam Page gets in Adam Cole’s face. He apologizes to the Young Bucks for what happened in the past, but if they get involved at Full Gear, they will regret it.
TBS Title Tournament
M2: Jade Cargill def. Santana Garrett
- Red Velvet throws the 1-year anniversary cake in Smart Mark Sterling's face and attacks Jade.
M3: Dante Martin def. Ariya Daivari
- Team Taz offer Dante Martin a contract while Lio Rush isn’t around to advise him.
Lumberjack Match
M4: Matt Hardy def. Orange Cassidy
--The Hardy Family Office swarm the ring and destroy Orange Cassidy & The Best Friends. See you tomorrow for Full Gear!
After the match, Adam Cole helped Bobby Fish to beat down Jungle Boy
Backstage, The Super Kliq get ready to cut a promo, but Hangman Adam Page gets in Adam Cole’s face. He apologizes to the Young Bucks for what happened in the past, but if they get involved at Full Gear, they will regret it.
TBS Title Tournament
M2: Jade Cargill def. Santana Garrett
- Red Velvet throws the 1-year anniversary cake in Smart Mark Sterling's face and attacks Jade.
M3: Dante Martin def. Ariya Daivari
- Team Taz offer Dante Martin a contract while Lio Rush isn’t around to advise him.
Lumberjack Match
M4: Matt Hardy def. Orange Cassidy
--The Hardy Family Office swarm the ring and destroy Orange Cassidy & The Best Friends. See you tomorrow for Full Gear!
( AEW )