(Random disclaimer!)
(these songs were recorded before the beef ended, i have no more beef with knari)
(part 1: LA KILL)
[intro/producer tag: w1reh3ad, 饾悳饾悺饾惈饾悽饾惉 饾惏饾悮饾惈饾惈饾悶饾惂, 饾槬饾槮饾槼饾槩饾樅 饾槬饾槩饾樂饾槳饾槾]
I spent my days reading soul eater to make this beat
饾惁饾悮饾悿饾悶 饾惉饾惃饾惁饾悶 饾惂饾惃饾悽饾惉饾悶!
饾樃饾槱饾槩饾樀 饾槳饾槸 饾樀饾槱饾槮 饾槯饾樁饾槫饾槵 饾樃饾槩饾槾 饾樀饾槱饾槩饾樀?
(these songs were recorded before the beef ended, i have no more beef with knari)
(part 1: LA KILL)
[intro/producer tag: w1reh3ad, 饾悳饾悺饾惈饾悽饾惉 饾惏饾悮饾惈饾惈饾悶饾惂, 饾槬饾槮饾槼饾槩饾樅 饾槬饾槩饾樂饾槳饾槾]
I spent my days reading soul eater to make this beat
饾惁饾悮饾悿饾悶 饾惉饾惃饾惁饾悶 饾惂饾惃饾悽饾惉饾悶!
饾樃饾槱饾槩饾樀 饾槳饾槸 饾樀饾槱饾槮 饾槯饾樁饾槫饾槵 饾樃饾槩饾槾 饾樀饾槱饾槩饾樀?
( W1reh3ad_411 )