Song: Ask Me
Year: 2021
Viewed: 15 - Published at: a year ago

(Verse 1) [Young Shaun V]
They ask me questions
I want to see more lessons
We go to school to learn some rules them fools wastin their time
I don't want any issue taking 7up with lime and lemon in the fridge
Turn off that switch
My answer is too wrong can't wait to long
What can i do there's nothing much to say
I'm speachless
Jesus is a real genius they believe us
I know we have no patient left
Playin grand theft auto
I got a red addidas on me
I got a cameofludge on me
It is getting chilly outside and cold
They sold many dresses in the website
We know we are serectly afriad of heights
You know you have the vibe when taking the aesthetic picture
Usian Bolt can do it quicker but his the winner
There are some fruits in the kitchen
All you do is find what is missing
But i don't see them hiding or running far ahead they were so laid
He's a real badass but he ain't a lawbraker
Its a miracle when the lockdown is over
Those sweets are hard jawbreaker
I will hit you with the codebreaker like Chris Jericho
It looks so terrible when the Dust is dirty
We can talk but comfront me in person
That's a good looking curtain
Sometimes you gotta trust'em but don't leave them from behind
It looks like there is rain tryna start war i don't know what to find
I'm not in instrested but don't get me tested yet Its a whole different thing
Ling drinks his flask before his fight goes on
I was about to buy a hoodie jumper on amazon but it didn't come
It was too long for another lockdown
Those greyhounds are fast but i use to sit last off the back

( Young Shaun V )