Song: Beethoven P
Artist:  Colby Brown
Year: 2022
Viewed: 69 - Published at: 5 years ago

Blasfemy ark, charr'd hides iyve been born thru, reasynless tythe! The creatyr of trust once agayn. Meynyngliss, fathumliss, dum lym agavey smoek 't till y' num bich. Treas lyke cygarets nygga, jus leyt them hav'sum oxygn

G'off thayr to wheyr man culd walk t'the circyts, electryc, solur, Walt Whytman but jest of discovryn such laykes wythout toyl, ty brash technylogycal fowndaytions, wyrk im aff t'avn, confownded by th'wandyrlust alowne thys mankind's surch culd shyft, nary serv a foryn peepils wythout to swallow. culd find a world larg'r th'n earthen purpiss. Body elycktrick, body elycktrick, body elycktrick!

Te shayr lyke chyldry to Martin Luthyr Kyng, th'escayp to 'waken 'pon th' trycks tha spleen but tha hart is a'machyn, lik'na vydeo gayme, spoke Jon Lewys, Iyd saye a famys polytishin off'worl now to n'wr omens. God admyres ovyr possibility he spoke of its shayr tho', to wo'ls all he capsulayt, Lewys truley spoyk t'mey

Wyth musk nowt'awk, n cayrn t'blayz a 'fayls teh ruff, t'hyumyn kaynd he'rayl nfayn, be'er oer tha clyn, te shyr in tha rayn, buh o'er tha clos'e he'll yarld to bayn. Th' mocyss o' tworque th' harld t'faym. N'hart t'y'kyng ye shoult werk 't off, thayn ne'er t'yak th'yurld to'yoff. Lyn to kyng spln'dyr n't'nun th' rityule, y'berq'n halycyyn to vayn th' coffn. Th' twerl o' peeyins, th' rayt to off'r, y'nothr th' queen fer mayts t'offr. N'yawl to yur trys, th'lyt to reprys, n'yawld ryt yule, ferwl kynd t'da drewl, n'toff yuhb shewl th'lyke n'da rewl

Farye shewl t'dscyvr y'twln sewlk blayzr, n'tewk t'da rayn back! 'Shur t'naybor, y'ferl th'flag n'talkn t'drag, n'ya ferl'n flag tyule d'ya mags, n'ferl thya urn, f'yer kern ta pie, n fayk tha nayms n' chyurl ya'knives, all' t'lyght uhg binter gyuil poi

N'fale te shewf d'worl, n' fayk t'e yul'n caryl, n' t'werk th' spool n' feryl th' lykness to barrel, th' pystyl o' sharn tyuff tynd

Yeweiffen all tg uip on ter yippen fasd tery ferry fat yuil pils err thiel t'trynjt conyrvtyb thynkth yall orn t'y braynk th'ill of day, b'opoyre t'stake oil f' crayn nijer tyil yuiff sick'r tan ryul ipper, cleft th' stayl brayn

( Colby Brown )